For a while I wanted to refactor my blog website.

I initially built it using VuePress because I liked Vue, but, the trouble of maintaining the themes and underlying javascript quickly became more than I bargained for.

Since I follow the golang ecosystem closely, I stumbled upon Hugo. It looked easy enough to get my head around for my basic needs, while remaining extendable.

PaperMod and PaperMod-Nord

Looking for some simple elegant themes I fell in love with the PaperMod theme.

A big requirement for me was a dark mode supported theme. I hated that my website didn’t support dark mode since I was constantly looking for that feature in other websites.

I highly recommend the Dark Reader extension. I does an awesome job of refitting bright websites with dark mode and reducing eye strain.

Converting the website to Hugo took a while but wasn’t too complex, if anything it forced me to better organize the content files I had.

Having so much fun with the refactor I was set to satiate my second passion, the Nord theme color palette.

I forked PaperMod into PaperMod-Nord and re-fitted the colors to the Nord palette.